How to Cure Sciatica in 7 Days?

How to Cure Sciatica in 7 Days?
Cure Sciatica

Saturday, June 24, 2017

What are the 3 Best Exercises for Sciatica?

Did you know there were 3 simple exercises that could dramatically change your sciatica? Yes, sciatica could actually ease and disappear and never to return. Wouldn't that be great!

Just imagine being able to walk freely, enjoy life, play with your children. All without that nagging sciatica that has become a real "pain in the butt". Life would be so much easier and happier, wouldn't it?

In actual fact there are 3 simple exercises that can help you to remove your sciatica and help to prevent any recurrences as well. They are as follows...

Strengthen Your Abdominals

Your abdominal muscles are the most important muscle for pelvis and lower back stability. Your sciatica is caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve. This is formed from 5 nerve roots that exit the last parts of your spine. If your abdominal muscles are stringer then these areas are more stable and able to move easier.

Abdominal muscle strength does not mean spending countless hours doing sit-ups or crunches. In fact these types of exercises do little to strengthen the abdominals; they can actually target the hip flexors which if over tight help create your sciatica.

Abdominal strength requires a good nerve and blood supply to the abdominal muscles and then targeted exercise that increases the strength of these muscles in days. To improve your abdominals you need ideal strengthening techniques

Relax Your Hip Flexors

The hip flexor muscle group if tight increases the curve of our lower back. This increases pressure on the sciatic nerve and allows your sciatica to occur. The hip flexors and abdominal muscles work together. A strong abdominal group and a balanced hip flexor group give you stability, flexibility and strength in your lower spine.

If this is achieved your sciatica will disappear quickly and is easy to prevent. To stretch the hip flexors, you need to target them correctly and the most important aspect of stretching is not what to stretch, but when and how to stretch. Knowing when and how means you spend minimal time stretching with maximum gains. Easing tension can be achieved within days not weeks or months.

Piriformis Stretching

The sciatic nerve either runs through or next to the Piriformis muscles. If tight the Piriformis allows sciatica to occur. So with all sciatica, Piriformis stretching is essential. Stretching the Piriformis is simple and the same rules apply...

What to stretch is important, how and when to stretch is essential. Especially if you want to change your sciatica quickly and permanently. Perfect stretching is the key!

The 3 most important muscles to target if you suffer sciatica are the abdominal, hip flexor and Piriformis muscles. Target these and sciatica is easily controlled.

Sciatica can be helped and you can change your sciatica quickly. Learning to stretch and strengthen the main muscles that cause your sciatica can ease your pain quickly and remove that nagging sciatica once and for all.

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain issues. 

For more information on Sciatica issues just visit Sciatica -

Get Rid of Sciatica Permanently in 7 Days or Less!

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Opioid drugs are typically prescribed as a first line treatment for back pain, even though these drugs have now surpassed both heroin and cocaine as the leading cause of fatal drug overdoses in the US. When back pain strikes, try to relax your back and your mind. Applying ice can be helpful, as can getting acupuncture or chiropractic care, and taking anti-inflammatory herbs. Other long-term solutions are discussed...
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Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Miracle 10 - How Can You Help Your Sciatica?

Are you one of the countless thousands of adults with sciatica? Do you wake up in the morning with back pain that ravels down your leg? Are there activities that make you sweat, as your sciatica gives you that stab in the buttocks? 

Would you love to be like so many others and move around pain free? Being able to do everything you wish to do, not restricted as sciatica rules your life. Just imagine what you could do again. 

Did you know there are 10 miracle tips that can help you to remove your sciatica and make life enjoyable once again? Here they are...

Miracle Tip 1: Rest - exercise is great at keeping you fit and strong, but once sciatica occurs it pays to ease up or stop exercising for now. The Piriformis muscle which is a common cause of sciatica, can get irritated with exercise that jars your body. So ease up on running, tennis, basketball, soccer and other explosive activity sports. Walking, swimming and other low impact sport is still good. 

Miracle Tip 2: Stretch - the lower back muscles and buttock muscles tighten with sciatica. The Piriformis if tight can cause sciatica, but the muscles surrounding the area will also tighten when pain is present. A gentle stretch to each muscle group helps to remove tension form the area and allow your sciatica to heal faster. 

To stretch the Piriformis (which helps directly with your sciatica) lie on your back and gently pull your knee towards your opposite shoulder. Hold this as you feel a tightness not pain, hold for 6 seconds, drop your leg down and repeat 5 times. This will help ease tension quickly. For the best stretches and the best ways to stretch this area just visit back stretches

Miracle Tip 3: Ice It - in the first 48 hours use ice. Ice helps to remove pain and any inflammation. Place ice on the area for 10 minutes only, then rest for 10 minutes and then repeat so that you have 3 sessions of ice on the area. Do this every few hours for the first day and then 3-4 times the next day. In this time most sciatica should ease and settle. 

After 48 hours alternate ice with heat, finishing with 10 minutes of heat. Sciatica should settle by itself within a few days, if not the final tips are most important. 

Miracle Tip 4: Posture - as most of you will sit in your job, sitting straight is important. Try supporting your lower back with a cushion or Lumbar Roll to ease pressure. Avoid sitting in chairs or couches that allow you to slouch. It may feel comfortable while sitting there, but getting out of the chair can cause more damage as you strain to get out. Posture is important, but the best advise is ...

Miracle Tip 5: Move It - do sit or stand for more than 20-30 minutes. Any prolonged posture builds tension in your muscles and joints. After all you are a movement based system, so move it often. With movement you improve the blood supply to the area, you also help muscles to ease their tension and keep joints moving. Sciatica is caused by tight muscles and joints, movement helps ease this tightness. 

Miracle Tip 6: Sleep On It - sleep is very restorative. Healing speeds up and damage is repaired quicker. If you find your sciatica is preventing you sleeping then follow the advice of tips 8 and 10. 

Miracle Tip 7: Drink More - water I mean not booze. Muscles, joints and inflammation all respond well to fluid levels. If you are hydrated more then you heal faster. If you are like me and don't like water as a drink, then don't worry. Tea, juice, milk and even fruit and vegetables are now considered as part of your water intake. So increase this volume or squeeze a lemon into your water to add taste if this helps. 

Miracle Tip 8: Pain Relief - if you need pain relief use it, whether it is an aspirin or a topical analgesic, if it eases pain then use it. Especially if it helps you sleep or do the activities you can't avoid in your day. Over use or continued use of pain relief is not good. If pain persists seek help! But if pain is less you heal faster, so don't think it is macho or strong to avoid it, if you need it use it. 

Miracle Tip 9: Massage - gentle massage of the tight muscles will also ease tension. You can do this at home, ask your partner to gently rub the area and even use heat as a way to help the muscles relax. However, this may not be best in the first few days. Massage can cause more inflammation as will heat, so stretching is better in the first 48 hours, then after that use massage and heat. If you know a good massage therapist, then seek their advice as they will know what level of massage you need. 

Miracle Tip 10: Help! - Yes if pain persists seek help. Whether it is a Chiropractor, Medical Doctor, Osteopath or Physical Therapist; seek help if pain persists. The earlier you seek treatment the quicker your sciatica will heal. To help your self you can use many safe and effective techniques that ease your sciatica quickly and prevent it returning. Best of all using self help techniques; you can save time and money and use these as soon as your sciatica happens rather than waiting to see if it doesn't disappear. 

Self help techniques can be used with all back pain as soon as it occurs. The quicker you help your self the quicker sciatica and back pain in general will disappear once and for all.

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain issues. 

For more information on Sciatica issues just visit Sciatica -

More Articles on Sciatica Help

1- 6 Natural Ways to Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain - Dr. Axe
Ever wake up feeling agonizing pain all the way from your upper thighs to your feet? Do you deal with nagging lower back pain that spreads downward and won’t seem to quit no matter what you try? You could be dealing with sciatic nerve pain, also called sciatica, which causes painful throbbing in the lower back and limbs...
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2- Exercises for Sciatica - NHS
This exercise routine is designed to help relieve sciatica – a pain caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the back of your pelvis, through your buttocks, all the way down both legs, ending at your feet...
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3- 4 Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief - MBG
Sciatica is more than just a literal pain in the butt (and back and legs). When it strikes, it can cause misery and debilitating pain, instantly putting a damper on your life. The sciatic nerve runs right through the piriformis, a tiny but powerful muscle deep in your glutes that helps laterally rotate your hips. If it gets too tight, it can impinge the sciatic nerve that runs through or under it, causing tremendous pain, tingling and numbness in your lower extremities...
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Get Rid of Sciatica Permanently in 7 Days or Less!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Sciatica Cures - Which Work

Sciatica pain is that horrible pain that so many suffer from. It affects your enjoyment of life as you get that gnawing pain down your leg. You find even the simplest task hard as you can not relax without the fear of your sciatica kicking in.

You may have spent years searching for a cure, and still remain with sciatic pain. You may have even felt like giving up and having that surgery, in the hope that something will at least ease your sciatica pain.

 So what sciatica cures work and which ones don't?  Now this is not going to be a witch hunt on all the products available. What this article will do is give you a set of guidelines to follow to see if the so called sciatica cure will ease your pain and most of all stop it returning. There are too many products to list, so you need to know which ones to look out for... the ones that are the miracle sciatica cure.

  The essential ingredients are:

  Techniques to Release Muscle tension - the Piriformis muscle is the most common cause of sciatica pain. The sciatic nerve runs through the muscle and if tight it will irritate the sciatic nerve causing your sciatica. So the first essential ingredient is a technique or two to release muscle tension.

  Techniques to Strengthen Muscles - just like a see-saw, if one muscle is too tight there will be others that are too weak. You need exercises (not necessarily gym exercises or lifting weights) to improve the strength of muscles. Ideally ways to improve the nerve and blood supply as this is the prime reason they weaken in the first place.

  Methods to Re-Align the Pelvis - the pelvic bones can distort. When they do this the muscles in the buttock (the Piriformis) will tighten, leading to sciatica. Pelvic distortion is also the biggest cause of lower back pain. If you fail to re-align the pelvis, long term sciatic relief will not happen.

  Ways to Improve Lower Back Strength - there is no point just targeting the sciatic nerve unless you remove all lower back pain and the distortions there. Sciatica is caused by many factors. The lower spine and spine in general can help to cause sciatica. So you need ways to assess your spine for distortion patterns, to see if there are other factors causing your sciatica.

  Techniques to Assess your Spine - if you can't see where the problem is coming from, you will not know how to eliminate it permanently. All so called sciatica cures need to teach you ways to assess your spine and see where problems occur.

  And that is it in a nut shell. If you can find a product that covers all these areas, then you have found a product that will not only eliminate your sciatica, it will also stop it returning.

 Sciatica pain is dreadful, it drags you down, you feel frustrated from all the things you can't do. You want relief; you want to be able to move around without the fear of pain suddenly running down your leg. Sciatica is common and debilitating and it can be easily removed if the product you seek has all the right ingredients - assess, stretch, strengthen, re-align and re-balance.

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain issues. 

For more information on Sciatica issues just visit Sciatica -  

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Get Rid of Sciatica Permanently in 7 Days or Less!

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